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Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Home Town Craft fair and Car booting

Hi guys,

I've had a busy weekend just gone! On the saturday The Whatnot Tree (the craft collective i'm a third of) had a stand in our local town centre. It was a fun day and we didn't do to badly. I have some pictures from it to show...

Visit THE WHATNOT TREE for the links for my other crafty companions :) (though our website is still in progress! but the links work!)

Anyways, on the sunday i went to the glorious car boot fair at cheltenham race course with some friends. I got some neat things, really cheap as well! Including this little piece of awesome...i, being the ink crazed loon i am, immediately thought of getting it to display my bottles of the stuff...

pretty swell huh?


I can't play much but i love it... it only cost me a couple of quid :D I was thinking of putting it on my wall once the novelty of jabbing at it wears off...

On a detouring last note, I have to introduce...

He is a bit strange, but he is a one off. And as my friend has been least he's soft!
I'm thinking of taking bets to see how long it takes to sell this guy...hahaha.

Have a good week!

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