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Monday, 15 August 2011


I've been having fun drawing two of my characters as kids. It's fun trying to think about how someone would look as a kid and then trying to draw it. I has made me think back to a time when the challenge was to make a person not look deranged let alone like someone or a certain age. Oh it's nice to feel like you are learning :)
Probably need to practice a hell of a lot more at this age thing though. To make someone look older i would probably just add more lines on their face hahah...and that's not quite all there is to it i'm sure!

Anyway i thought i'd upload the sketch and lines from the two pieces i did of my sibling characters Bowl and Fish.
First them as kids...

Then as the age i mainly draw them at...

I named the pieces after two lines from a Noah and the Whale song i love.
I was messing around in photoshop so here they are finished with the titles included as (badly) arranged text...

You can see the actual finished pieces without text and bigger over on my deviant art.
Click each pic below to be taken there! :D

Hope you like them.

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