I'm so sorry for such a lapse in blog updates of late. Time has flown by in a gust of graduating from university, moving out, moving back home, moving back out again, exhibitions, job seeking, house decorating, mud covered festivals and turning 22.
I'm hoping it's all beginning to settle back down again soon so life can return to normal and i can get more work done!
Our new house has two spare rooms, one of which we put a tent up in (gonna make it like Richie's tent in The Royal Tenenbaums!). The other we are using as a studio. Which is going to be great! I'm going to have a place to go and work like the studio at university was. I think like minded people can appreciate the need for a change of scene when working and one that's not a foot away from where you crash every night too....

Since my last post lots has happened. Some of which was an exhibition my friends organised in our town. It was a lot of fun and a great experience.
We made some good contacts and sold some work. So i count it as a success!
Role on 'Departure lounge: 5 Years Later' hahah
I've also been doing commissions and i've also got some exciting things lined up for this November in time for Thought Bubble 2012. I'm really looking forward to getting my teeth into work on them in my new studio space!
My lovely lingering comic project, 4AM. Has, hopefully understandably, trailed off of late. I'm also really looking forward to getting that wrapped up and printed! I'm so sorry to anyone who has been expecting out by now. I'm reminded of 'It's a Wonderful Life'. Life has well and truly been getting in the way. The sequence below is from it. It's one of the many pages on line art i've got to do the colour layer for...
(the image at the top of this post is one of the also many colour adjusted and finished pages from it. So i'm getting there!)
Anyway, hope i've somewhat explained my absence.
(There you go Tabi :) I've updated!)
I'm back to work!
Cheers for reading!
Hope you have a lovely week :)
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